Comply with the Pan-Canadian Quality Assurance Framework within your organization

Explore the possibility of adopting the QAF within your organization in four easy steps!

Step 1

Review the Quality Assurance Framework (QAF), particularly its Pan-Canadian Code of Good Practice in the Assessment of International Academic Credentials.

Step 2
Step 3

Connect with CICIC to discuss the results of your self-evaluation.

Step 4

Formal adoption of the QAF by your organization and approval by the Quality Assurance Framework (QAF) Steering Committee.

Contact CICIC for more information.

What is the QAF?

The QAF is a guiding-principle document. It was developed in collaboration with:

  • educational institutions;
  • regulatory authorities; and
  • academic credential assessment services.

The QAF:
  • respects the autonomy of organizations; and
  • is not prescriptive.

Get more information about the QAF and find out how it can improve policies and practices within your organization.

Governance of the QAF

In January 2014, the CICIC Quality Assurance Framework Steering Committee was established to:

  • improve the quality and consistency of academic credential assessments by supporting the assessment community's broad acceptance of the principles and guidelines outlined in the QAF;
  • support CICIC in the QAF's management to ensure its continuous improvement, and guide organizations in applying the framework's principles; and
  • promote the QAF's adoption among various sectors of the academic credential assessment community.

Get more information about the governance of the QAF to learn about its purpose, membership, and its roles and responsibilities.