Close the applicant’s file

Archive all related documents and close the applicant's file within your internal information systems.

For internal procedures:
  • Archive all communication exchanges and related documentation, according to your organization's records and archives policy. Some information may prove useful and serve as a reference in another assessment process;
  • Close the applicant's file within your internal information systems and mark it as completed.

Comply with the Pan-Canadian Quality Assurance Framework for the Assessment of International Academic Credentials (QAF)

This step complies with guiding principle 12 of QAF.

Consult QAF to get more information.

Consult additional resources

You may find useful information in other resources, such as:
  1. EAR Consortium (EP-Nuffic, UK NARIC, ENIC-NARIC France, and ENIC-NARIC Poland). (2012). European Area of Recognition (EAR) Manual, chapter 2;
  2. EAR-HEI Consortium (EP-Nuffic, ENIC-NARIC France, ENIC-NARIC Latvia, ENIC-NARIC Ireland, European University Association (EUA), ENIC-NARIC Lithuania, ENIC-NARIC Denmark, ENIC-NARIC Poland and Tuning Educational Structures in Europe). (2016). European Recognition Manual for Higher Education Institutions (EAR-HEI), part II, item 10.